Art works from recycled plastic waste

(VOVWORLD) -Tran Nhat Duat pedestrian bridge in Hoan Kiem district, Hanoi, has been turned into a public art space with art works made from recycled plastic waste. The installation includes "Aquarium", "Future", and "Waves", part of an art project called "Water", by artists Vu Xuan Dong, Le Dang Ninh, and Can Van An.

Art works from recycled plastic waste - ảnh 1Inside Tran Nhat Duat pedestrian bridge in Hoan Kiem district, Hanoi

Along the Tran Nhat Duat pedestrian bridge, "Aquarium" displays construction of blue whales, sperm whales, dolphins, rays, swordfish, jellyfish, and corals.

Painter Vu Xuan Dong said: “We collected discarded plastic bottles from our families and neighbors and other sources. They were happy to help us. Plastic materials can capture light very well and create a glittery effect. We used them to make lamps and cut them into many different shapes like anemones, coral reefs, and sea weed.”

The project “Water” takes visitors on a marine journey. Along two corridors of the bridge is “Waves” by painter Le Dang Ninh.

“My inspiration came from the Red River. I used sculptural motifs from the Ly, Tran, Le, and Nguyen dynasty, and sketches from the early 19th century. I combined these elements into a contemporary work with new visual effects. My work recalls waves on the Red River, generations of people, and trades which have been important to the development of Hanoi,” said Ninh.

The stairs at each end of the pedestrian bridge are painted with the theme “carps leap over the Gate of Heaven and turn into dragons”, a familiar theme of the Hang Trong folk painting school.

“I walk across this bridge every day. It’s exciting to see these marine creatures made from plastic waste,” said a child.  

“I often feel tired when I climb the stairs to the bridge, but seeing this art is refreshing. The bridge beautifully combines modern and ancient features. These artists are very creative,” said a pedestrian.

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