VOV presents writing contest awards for radio

VOV presents writing contest awards for radio

(VOVWORLD) - The Voice of Vietnam on Tuesday organized a ceremony to present awards to the winners of the writing contest “Radio – A Century of Informing, Entertaining and Educating”
Best works of all time writing contest launched

Best works of all time writing contest launched

(VOVWORLD) -A contest to create works of literature and art that will stand the test of time was launched on Sunday in anticipation of the 100th founding anniversary of the Communist Party of Vietnam...
92nd Vietnam Revolutionary Press Day celebrated

92nd Vietnam Revolutionary Press Day celebrated

(VOVWORLD) - Ho Chi Minh City’s Journalists Association held a celebration to mark the 92nd anniversary of Vietnam Revolutionary Press Day on June 21 and presented the 35th municipal press prizes....
Writing contest honors role models

Writing contest honors role models

(VOVworld) – On Saturday the People’s Army newspaper announced 15 winners of the 7th writing contest on role models who contributed to social activities and their local development